We are having a Stamp Camp Spectacular
Saturday, May 19th 9am to 5pm
First Baptist Church, Yelm
• 5 Fabulous Projects
• 8 Fun-Filled Hours
• 7 Awesome Demonstrators
• Yummy Baked Potato/Salad Bar Lunch
• Beautiful Project Displays
• Cool Tools Demonstrations
• 8 Awesome Door Prizes
• 1 Amazing Grand Prize
Are you ready? Don't Miss It!
Stamp Camp Cost is $50
Deadline to Register is Friday, April 20th.
Contact Me Today to Register!!
(360) 888-7627
Due to space restrictions*, the first 6 clients to register with payment will be guaranteed. I will then compile a waiting list for additional interested guests.
If there are extra spots available (another demonstrator does not fill her 6 spots), waiting list customers will be contacted on a first come, first serve basis.
When I receive your email or phone call you can choose to mail a check right away or we can make arrangements to meet.
If my 6 slots are full, I will put your name on my waiting list and keep you updated.
*Each of the 7 demonstrators can invite 6 guests for a total of 42 Stamp Camp attendees.
*Minimum of 30 total attendees for event to take place.